
Love Life Today

in Life Coaching
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Loving your life and yourself as is, is just about the best gift you can give yourself. Now, I know this is much easier said than done, but with a little practice it is possible, and when you can shift your mindset to believe it, you’ll notice your life change for the better at a much more rapid pace.

What we resist persists, and so when we dislike any part of ourselves or our lives, it just draws more attention to those things. This doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t motivate change, and can actually create additional and unnecessary angst.

Think about what you would tell a child who was struggling. Would you teach a child to hate herself or her life in order for change to take place? My guess is most of you would say something more along the lines of, “It’s going to be ok, and you are amazing just the way you are.” Try saying that to yourself.

Years ago, I struggled with anxiety. I hated it. I did everything in my power to fight it. I tried breathing exercises, listened to calming music, focusing on other things, and more. These things only worked temporarily to ease my discomfort. It wasn’t until one day that I realized hating any part of me, and trying to resist it, only made it worse. I decided to make an attempt at loving it instead (If that feels like too much of a stretch though, then just accepting it is quite effective too). I just started observing it, without judgement. I accepted it as a part of me. That part of me was just trying to protect. The anxiety then disappeared in what felt like, poof, overnight.

Another example is when I was single for years before meeting my hubby. I desperately wanted to fall in love, get married, and start the next chapter of my life. I felt sorry for myself often, and disliked the current state of my life. Then one day I decided there was a possibility I could be single for the rest of my life, and if that was going to be the case, I wanted to love my life, have more fun, and enjoy myself. I started trying new things, pursued new hobbies, travelled, made more plans with friends, and chose to love my life no matter what. I met my husband, fell in love, and got married shortly after that shift.

When you dislike a part of you or an aspect of your life, you are only creating more pain for yourself. Pushing against what you don’t like or refuse to accept will never make you feel better. It will never motivate you to make lasting changes. It will never do more than temporarily mask whatever it is you are struggling with.

You can’t hate yourself skinny. You can’t despise your job for it to change. You can’t resent your partner enough for him or her to act as you wish. You can’t become cynical in order to find love. You can’t berate yourself so your depression subsides. Choosing love and acceptance instead, will both feel better, as well as allow more joy, love, calm, and peace into your life.

This does not mean you can’t aspire for more, it simply means instead of choosing misery until you reach your goals, you get to feel good today too! When you feel better, you are more open to change.

When you notice, observe, allow, accept and love yourself and your life no matter what, abundance flows more freely, positive change happens with ease, and feeling good more regularly is a guarantee.

Happy Day!!

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