
How You Do the Things You Do

in Life Coaching

How you do anything, is how you do everything.

I heard this quote twice in the matter of an hour last week by two different sources, and then again two days later. I had heard it a number of times over the years, but never did it strike me the way it did this time.

By the third mention, I just laughed. This was clearly a case of synchronicity, and it was as if the universe was screaming for my attention. Here was a message I needed.

When I don’t allow myself to think, and just answer questions with whatever comes to mind first, I know that’s my truth. When I thought about how I do everything, the truth in this case, was not something I wanted to admit. The words that immediately popped into my head were rushed and resistance. Whoa.

Sure, I also do many things with enthusiasm, with an inner knowing that I can do just about anything, and with a strong desire to do my best at everything with which I engage. I’m motivated, productive, and somehow manage to squeeze a whole lot into my life, and manage to do most of it very well. The message wasn’t in regards to those ways of being though. The rushing and resisting are what needed my attention.

I often feel a sense of urgency. I feel myself go, go, going all the time. In addition, when I anticipate all the things I have committed to, I often find myself thinking things like, ugh, I’d rather just lay in bed and watch tv. Thoughts like that make me feel exhausted, and my excitement often doesn’t arrive until I’m in the midst of partaking in one of my activities. This keeps me from being as present as I have the potential to be. When I’m not present, I’m not my best.

How do you do anything and everything? Are you resentful? Do you compare yourself to others? Is nothing ever good enough? Do you let fear prevent you from doing things? Are you angry? Do you think the world is out to get you? Do you always think you’re not good enough? Do you assume you will fail at things, so you don’t even bother trying? Well, you’re not alone. And like I’ve said before, just because you’ve always been a certain way, doesn’t mean you always have to be that way. You can change. It just takes some effort.

My one rule with clients is to not use whatever comes up as reason to feel worse-no judgement. All you have to do is start noticing with fascination. Notice when you aren’t at your best, and pay attention to why you may be feeling that way. How are you approaching life? Then think about how you would rather feel and be. Imagine what it would take to get there, and change the way you think about things.

When I notice I am feeling rushed, I take a few cleansing breaths to slow myself down, and remind myself I will get everything done. I always do. When I notice my resistence in anticipation towards something, I remind myself that everything I do in life is a choice. I also try and engage more in the present moment, rather than thinking about the future.

Try and take a new approach with things, and the new way you do anything, will become how you do everything. You can do it!

That’s it. That’s all I got for ya. Happy day!

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