I’ve been writing my blog for the past two and a half years. Initially, I wrote sporadically, but about six months ago, I decided to commit to posting once a week. I never set a writing schedule like some suggested. I just trusted that I would always get it done, and therefore, I have pretty easily…until this week.
I’ve had several inspirations this week that I started to take some notes on, but each time I sat down to write, it just didn’t flow. I’ve been amazed with how effortless my writing has felt in the past, which was why this came as a such a surprise to me. Tonight, I started three different posts which all went no where. I kept bouncing back and forth between topics in the hopes that one of them would really excite me, and the words would just pour out of me like they usually do…but they didn’t. So, I stepped away.
Then it dawned on me; give yourself a break. So many of us just go, go, go. We jam pack our days with so much, and our expectations of ourselves are often so high that there is no room for error. It wasn’t until I walked away from my work, and gave myself permission to not be perfect, that I was then able to regroup. This allowed my tension to ease, my need to succeed subsided, and then “aha.”
When things feel forced, they often also feel difficult. When we stop pressuring ourselves so much, tasks become much easier. Have you ever noticed when you don’t make such a big deal out of the things on your to do list, everything seems to get done with very little stress?
For years when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I have told myself, “It will all work out.” This mantra allows me to momentarily step away. It always brings me a sense of calm during trying times, which then allows me to get a hell of a lot done.
What do you think would happen if you gave yourself a break? What if for just an hour (or even five minutes), you could give yourself permission to take a breather? What if you stopped pressuring yourself to to do everything and do it all perfectly? Maybe that’s exactly what you need in order to get it all done.
When we give ourselves some slack, and take the pressure off for just a little, our energy shifts. Treating ourselves more gently and with more kindness, gives us space to tap into our potential without forcing it.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of how you will get it all done, I invite you to give yourself a break. Life doesn’t always have to be so serious, and the last person you need pressure from, is yourself. Try giving yourself permission to call a time out. You might just find this type of self care actually is the key to making things happen with very little effort.
Hey, if you don’t get it all done, is it really the end of the world? My guess is you all would’ve been just fine had I not gotten this post out today
You got this!
That’s it; that’s all I got for ya!
Happy Day!