
Everything Happens FOR You

in Life Coaching
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from

Nothing in life happens TO you; everything in life happens FOR you. When you start really believing this, life becomes so much more fascinating. It also becomes much easier to cope with all of the curveballs life throws your way.

How do you feel when you think this? For many, it is terrifying because it means letting go of playing the victim in life. It can feel thrilling though, if you can see that it means, with every situation, good or tricky, you have the opportunity to learn and grow.

I know at times, we have all just wanted to scream, “WHY ME?! Why can’t life just be easy? Why does nothing ever seem to go my way? Why does everyone else have it so good?” First, let me stop you right there, and say, after speaking with all of the people I have coached and come into contact with over the years, no one has it easy all the time, and we all have different things to work through in our lifetimes. When you walk around in life thinking this way, you are simply missing a chance to reflect or handle situations differently than you would have in the past.

Growth doesn’t occur during times of life when you are coasting. It’s when there is a bump in the road, and things feel really really hard, that you can chuckle, and know that an opportunity to change is being served to you on a silver platter.

If decision making isn’t easy for you, try looking at each new big decision that comes your way, as an opportunity to make a decision quickly and stick to it. If you tend to date emotionally unavailable people, or often stay in relationships that aren’t good for you, view your next one as a chance to get out early, and not settle for less than you desire. If you regularly find yourself with jobs you find unfulfilling, and you aren’t living up to the potential that is in you, see today as the day for you to do something bigger. If you’ve struggled with your eating habits and you find yourself overweight again, get excited to make a change once and for all.

I find that most people have the same issues over and over throughout their lives, manifested in different ways. I truly believe this happens when you still have work to do. Life will keep giving you opportunities to change for the better.

A recent client of mine struggled speaking up because she grew up with a very domineering mother. She now has a close friend who likes to tell her what to do, a sister-in-law who is insistent on how she should live her life, and a boss who isn’t open to listening to her suggestions. I believe these dominant personalities will keep showing up in her life until she learns to handle herself differently. They are all showing up FOR her.

When you find yourself struggling with something, ask yourself, “What can I learn from this situation?” Even though it can be difficult, try and be grateful for another opportunity to gain insight.

You are stronger today because of all that you have been through, and you can become even stronger from enduring your struggles today. Everything that has happened thus far, everything that is currently happening in your life, and everything that will happen in the future is FOR you. The reasons may not always be clear in the moment, but learning to trust this, will open you up to all of life’s most beautiful lessons!

Happy day eveyone!!

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