
Change it, Resist it, or Accept it

in Conscious Parenting, Life Coaching
The sun embraces day so you can see all her pretty colors (CC)

I’ve tried very hard recently to eliminate saying that anyone or anything in my life made me feel a certain way. In doing so, I’ve started noticing just how common it is for people to say things like, “she made me feel bad,” or “my kids are driving me crazy,” or “my boss is making my life hell,” or “my financial situation is stressing me out.” If you’ve worked with me or followed me for a while, you can probably guess what I have to say about this…no one, and no thing can make you feel anything. You, and only you have the power to make you feel anything.

This is great news for some, because it puts us in control of our emotions. Others who aren’t ready to take accountability for their lives, will fight me on it because it’s much easier to blame everyone else and everything external for their misery. It’s our thoughts about what people say and do, and thoughts about our circumstances in life, that produce feelings. If you spend a lot of your life feeling crappy, and you genuinely want to change that, it’s time to take a good look at how you react to life.

When dealing with someone or something you deem unpleasant, first ask yourself, “Can I change this?” If the answer is yes, and you’re feeling up for it, go for it! If change is not an option, you have two choices…accept it, or resist it.

What most people don’t realize, is that it is super common to walk around in a state of resistance. When we say someone or something made us feel a certain way, that is resistance. Resistance is getting angry about something you think you can’t control, and making it mean something that makes you feel crappy. Resistance does not serve you. It just prevents you from moving forward and feeling good.

Accepting life as is, does not mean we condone certain behaviors from others, or that we can never expect or want more from life. It simply means we are choosing to feel good, and work with life’s ups and downs. Accepting means less anger, and less pain. The key to acceptance is not to live in a state of denial and just pretend everything in life is sunshine and rainbows, but to change the way we think about, and perceive things.

Let’s use how I can choose to react and feel if my three year old has a meltdown, as an example. First, I ask the question, can I change this? If any of you have, or have ever had a three year old, you know the answer is most likely, no. Now I can choose to resist or accept. Resistance in this scenario would appear as anger, frustration, helplessness, etc. These feelings would not be caused by my daughter’s behavior, but by my thoughts about her behavior. Thoughts like, “I can’t control her,” “She shouldn’t act this way,” “I can’t handle this,” or “Why does she have to act like this?” cause the icky feelings. Acceptance in this scenario would appear as calmness, love, compassion, or even humor. Those feelings would come from thoughts like, “She’s three, and this is how three year olds act sometimes,” “This will pass, just like it always does,” “She’s clearly upset about something, and doesn’t yet know how to express it,” or “She needs my love right now.” The circumstance is the same, but the thoughts are different, and therefore the feelings are different.

Changing the way you think about things, allows you to flow with life more comfortably. When you can’t control another person or situation, know that you can control how you feel. Resist it or accept it; feel crappy, or feel good. It’s up to you. Start thinking about what you’re thinking about, and choose your thoughts wisely!

Happy day!!

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  • Jaime November 24, 2014, 12:22 pm

    Wow Melanie.
    Well Said!!!!

  • Joshua Lipson November 25, 2014, 4:49 am

    I like this piece and I agree with almost everything you say. At least in theory. Of course most of my thoughts are just that, theory. In practice, I am not alone in the world. One of the things I strive for the most is connection and love of and for others. This has been terribly elusive in my life. And it is NOT something that I am in control of. Yes, I am in control of whether I let this hurt me or not, but the fact is that love and acceptance is something that I believe all people need. And I mean NEED to be happy. I do not hold others accountable for the loneliness that I feel, and I do not feel anger towards those who reject my love. But, I am unable to not be hurt by it, when it has been so pervasive a theme in my life. At some point it becomes to much to just accept.

    • Melanie Rudnick November 28, 2014, 1:52 pm

      I totally hear you Josh. This is definitely a tricky one. The only suggestions I have in a case like this, is first take a true look at whom you are desiring love from? I know I’ve had people in my life that I try and try and hope, and grasp for, and have finally come to terms with the fact that they may be incapable of loving in the way I desire. That I have had to accept, otherwise, it tears me apart. I’ve also had to look at my own patterns, and how I may affect others’ ability to love me. Am I pushing it away? Do I actually receive it when it’s given? Take a look at the love that is there, and try and keep on loving. Giving love and feeling love can be just as fulfilling and receiving…sometimes even more so! If you ever wanna talk, let me know! If you ever wanna talk, let know!

    • Melanie Rudnick November 28, 2014, 3:55 pm

      And if you ever wanna talk, let me know

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