Have you ever had something on your to do list that you kept putting off because whenever you thought about it, you got cranky? Then, when you actually got it done, you thought about how it was no big deal, and wondered why the heck it took you so long to just do it? It’s [...]
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Many of us go through life wondering what others think of us. We think we care too, which is actually funny because I can tell you with confidence, you don’t. In fact it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, because it always, and I repeat, always goes back to how you feel about yourself. Think [...]
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"I should eat healthier." "I should work harder." "I should be doing more." "I should be a better parent/spouse/friend." "I should exercise." "I should be able to get this." Have you ever told yourself any of these things or something similar? I sure have. Actually, the only thing you "should" do, is stop “shoulding” all [...]
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While writing a previous blog post, I realized there are a bunch of things that are inherent in a baby, that we somehow forget as we age. I actually believe the knowledge we have when we are born is more important when it comes to living a happy life, than just about anything we learn [...]
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Many people hold back from doing the things they want to do in life because they are afraid of what “everybody” or “people” will think. My teacher, Martha Beck, taught me that your everybody is almost always only a few people. It’s crazy to think how much power we give to others! For 13 years [...]
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When I was pregnant with Charlotte, I often thought about all of the things I wanted to teach her about life, and how I could raise her to be a good person with a deep awareness for herself and others. What I didn’t anticipate was how much I could learn from her in the first [...]
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