Last week, an article was published about me on (if ya missed it, you can see it here). What started off as something so exciting, I could hardly contain myself, for a brief moment turned into something that was equally heartbreaking when my hubby asked me if I had seen some of the comments [...]
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We are taught from a very young age to be nice, treat others as we would like to be treated, and to think about how our words and actions can affect people. Unfortunately there isn’t as much emphasis on how we treat ourselves. I look fat, ugly, old, tired. I’m not good enough, smart enough, [...]
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It amazes me how the majority of people I come into contact with these days is either on a diet/eating healthy, or has a reason why they aren’t eating healthy. I’m not just referring to my weight loss clients either. I hear it every day from family, friends, and people in passing. It seems to [...]
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You need to change, so I can be happy. Sounds pretty ridiculous, right?! Surprisingly though, most people walk around believing this. Any time you have an expectation of another person to be any way except the way they are, you are giving all of your power away. Your mood is completely in your own hands, [...]
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Have you ever wanted something because you thought it would make you happy, and then quickly realized when you got it, it wasn’t as great as you thought it would be? People think, if they could just lose ten pounds, they would be happy. They imagine if they could just find love, or had married [...]
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As a mom, I often reflect on my parenting skills. As a life coach and self help junkie, I am always trying to better myself and raise my level of consciousness. When you put those two things together, you get what I like to call Conscious Parenting. Below you will find my seven steps to [...]
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Those who have worked with me have often heard me ask, “What are you making it mean?” At first, this concept can be tricky to grasp, but once we do, it can be completely liberating. This is because once you realize that no one or no thing can make you feel a certain way, you [...]
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The other day, as I walked through midtown Manhattan, I had a little bounce in my step because it was an absolutely gorgeous day, and I felt grateful to be outside. I paused for a moment, and looked up. For just a moment, I felt what I felt when I first moved here over 14 [...]
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A belief is just a repeated thought, so if you think something enough, eventually you will believe it. It’s like when someone lies about something for so long, and they actually believe their own lie. If you tell yourself you look fat/old/tired every time you look in the mirror, this will be something you believe [...]
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I often speak with my clients on how worry is a wasted emotion. What I mean is that it serves no positive purpose in our lives. People often think worrying about something, prepares them for what’s to come, but that couldn’t be further from the truth in most instances. When faced with a problem, I’ve [...]
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