
Don’t Worry, Be Happy

in Life Coaching
The 3 L's of life

So, some of you may have noticed that my most recent post titled, Ugh, It’s Monday, arrived in your inboxes on a Tuesday. The intention was to get it to all of you first thing on Monday morning, but as life has it, there was a technical glitch. My first inclination was to freak out, and then I realized it was yet another perfect opportunity for me to practice what I preach.

Life has a way of doing that. If you can open your eyes and mind to these potential life altering scenarios, there is huge potential for growth. Now I know my blog post being sent on the wrong day is far from life altering, but the message I wrote was exactly what I needed. That was pretty awesome to realize.

The past two days for me have been one snafu after the next. It started with my email server malfunctioning. Then my laptop had no charge when I needed it, and I didn’t have access to my power cord for hours. There were road closures, arriving late to an important meeting, people not being where I expected them when I needed them, missing exits on the expressway, and then getting stuck in gridlock, my car battery dying, signing an important document with my maiden name, forgetting about an early morning appointment and waking up late, and probably more that I am selectively forgetting because things have been a mess.

The cool thing is though, I somehow managed to stay in a really great mood! When I caught myself panicking, I reminded myself A: None of this is really that big of a deal in the whole grand scheme of life, B: Most of it is out of my control, so just surrender to it, and C: Clearly there is a life lesson in all of this, so pay attention!

I listened to great music in my car, and that felt amazing. I laughed about how ridiculous it all was. I spoke with a friend about what I had been experiencing. I did what I could, with what I had. I let go of my attachment to wanting things to go a certain way because that’s not how life works. Accepting and allowing all of the things that “went wrong,” actually felt really good.

Life doesn’t have to be so serious. This is something I’m realizing more and more every day. The concept is so freeing because being rigid doesn’t feel good. Being open to whatever IS, feels so much better.

The next time you find yourself “having one of those days,” just try and go with it. Resisting it all, and thinking thoughts that get you angry/cranky/sad, don’t serve you. Thank life for presenting you with an opportunity to feel better than the last time things seemed to fall apart. Of course there’s traffic when I need to get somewhere, of course my favorite shampoo is out of stock, of course my alarm didn’t go off….and ya know what? I still feel awesome!

Happy day!!!

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